
Curated list of Graph-Apps that work with Neo4j Desktop.

HTML30 Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated: 2020-07-15

Resources to get started building Neo4j Desktop Graph Apps

18 Updated: 2020-04-10

Reusable components for building Graph Apps

JavaScript15 Apache License 2.0Updated: 2020-08-20

Playground for Neo4j Graph Algorithms

JavaScript13 Updated: 2020-08-14

The Neo4j Graph Platform, on your desktop OS.

12 Updated: 2020-08-21

A public repository for informal docs, problem reporting and content sharing related to Neo4j Bloom.

7 Apache License 2.0Updated: 2020-08-16

Making Graph Examples accessible as graph app

JavaScript7 Updated: 2020-06-17

TypeScript4 Updated: 2020-06-24

A Graph App with configurable (drill-down) charts.

4 Updated: 2019-09-02

A CLI for pull request to changelog markdown generator for github

JavaScript3 Apache License 2.0Updated: 2018-11-05

Building apps, based on graphs. - https://neo4j-apps.github.io

Ruby2 Updated: 2018-09-23

2 OtherUpdated: 2019-01-27